Monday, April 27, 2009

Yesterday and Today's News

Oops, I forgot yestahday! I got distracted with CP again, xD. I'll give bothhh!
ACP: PURPLE won Sunday's PB and Flappy put some stupid dance post up that got deleted, and Boomeh made a non memb uniform.
Nachos: Pwned the, "Golds Team."
RPF: Dying.
RFW: Nothing new, I assume. Haven't checked.
IW: Apparently PWNED in a PB vs. CPRA or whoevah.
WW: Nonewnews... (random one word.)
UMA: Had movie night, and I think something telling n00bs about their army.

That was for both days, FYI. Be back tomorrow with more NEWWWWS!

1 comment:

Sizzle said...

Did you know that Bob the Builder smells like monkey cheese? No joke, people.